Press Release, Monitor Audio

Home Theater HiFi video review our Silver 500 7G speakers

"Infinitely engaging and completely awesome"

In their latest review, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity take a look at what our Silver 500 7G speakers have to offer.

Talking about setup, SECRETS reviewer Taps Das used both the Roksan Attessa and Cambridge Audio CXA81 to pair with the Silver 500 7G. Commenting on the sound, Taps said listening to Veil’s 'Animist' through the 500s was “perfection, I could listen to that song over and over” adding "I could listen to these speakers for hours on end and not get bored". In conclusion, "If you need a big speaker to fill your big room, the Silver 500 7G is a speaker you should check out."

Watch the full video review below.

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